Un exemple de non dégénérescence en E2 de la suite spectrale de Borel-Le Potier
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 311 (1990), 31-36. -
Sur la cohomologie des fibrés associés au fibré quotient universel sur la grassmannienne
Bull. Soc. Math. France 118 (1990), 67-84. -
Un théorème d'annulation pour les puissances extérieures d'un fibré ample
Crelle's Journal 422 (1991), 91-116. -
Théorèmes d'annulation pour les fibrés associés à un fibré ample
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa 19 (1992), 515-565. -
Un théorème de prolongement L2 de sections holomorphes d'un fibré hermitien
Math. Zeitschrift 212 (1993), 107-122. -
Classes caractéristiques des intersections complètes
Geometriae Dedicata 52 (1994), 255-269. -
Un théorème d'annulation à la Kawamata-Viehweg
Manuscripta Math. 83 (1994), 387-404. -
Des fibrés globalement engendrés sur l'espace projectif
Math. Annalen 301 (1995), 469-484. -
Birational invariants of algebraic varieties
Journal de Crelle 458 (1995), 63-91. -
On the syzygies of flag manifolds
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 2293-2299. -
Théorèmes d'annulation sur certaines variétes projectives
Commentarii Math. Helvetici, 71 (1996), 402-425. -
A Borel-Weil theorem for holomorphic forms
with Dennis Snow, Compositio Math. 124 (1996), 1-15. -
Vanishing theorems for ample vector bundles
Inventiones Math. 127 (1997), 401-416. -
Applications de Gauss et pléthysme
Annales de l'Institut Fourier 47 (1997), 715-773. -
Gaussian maps and plethysm
in Algebraic Geometry, Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics,
vol. 200, ed. P.E. Newstead, Marcel Dekker 1998, pp. 91-117. -
Sur la variété des espaces linéaires contenus dans une intersection complète
with Olivier Debarre, Math. Annalen 312 (1998), 549-574. -
Sur les hypersurfaces contenant des espaces linéaires
C.R.A.S. 328 (1999), 307-312. -
On branched coverings of some homogeneous spaces
with Meeyoung Kim, Topology 38 (1999), 1141-1160. -
Problème de Brill-Noether pour les fibrés de Steiner et application aux courbes gauches
with Philippe Ellia and André Hirschowitz, Annales sc. de l'E.N.S. 32 (1999), 832-857. -
Sur les intersections complètes réelles
with Olivier Debarre, C.R.A.S. 331 (2000), 887-892. -
The projective geometry of Freudenthal's magic square
with Joseph M. Landsberg, Journal of Algebra 239 (2001), 477-512. -
Le lieu singulier des variétés de Schubert
Int. Math. Res. Notices 16 (2001), 849-871. -
Hooks and powers of parts in partitions
with Roland Bacher, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 47 (2002). -
Classification of complex simple Lie algebras via projective geometry
with Joseph M. Landsberg, Selecta Mathematica 8 (2002), 137-159. -
Triality, exceptional Lie algebras and Deligne dimension formulas
with Joseph M. Landsberg, Advances in Mathematics 171 (2002), 59-85. -
On the projective geometry of homogeneous spaces
with Joseph M. Landsberg, Comm. Math. Helv 78 (2003), 65-100. -
Generic singularities of Schubert varieties
5 pages, arXiv:math/0105239. -
Series of Lie groups
with Joseph M. Landsberg, Michigan Math. Journal 52 (2004), 453-479. -
Representation theory and projective geometry
with Joseph M. Landsberg, in Algebraic Transformation Groups and Algebraic Varieties,
ed. V.L. Popov, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences 132, Springer 2004, 71-122. -
Series of nilpotent orbits
with Joseph M. Landsberg and Bruce W. Westbury, Experimental Mathematics 13 (2004), 13-29. On the ideals of secant varieties of Segre varieties
with Joseph M. Landsberg, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 4 (2004), 397-422.-
The Chow ring of the Cayley plane
with Atanas Iliev, Compositio Mathematica 141 (2005), 146-160. On linear spaces of skew-symmetric matrices of constant rank
with E. Mezzetti, Manuscripta Mathematica 117 (2005), 319-331.-
Severi varieties and their varieties of reductions
with Atanas Iliev, Crelle's Journal 585 (2005), 93-139. -
Varieties of reduction for gln
with Atanas Iliev, in Projective Varieties with Unexpected Properties, ed. by C. Ciliberto,
A.V. Geramita, B. Harbourne, R. Miro-Roig, K. Ranestad, Walter de Gruyter 2005, pp. 287-316. A universal dimension formula for complex simple Lie algebras
with J.M. Landsberg, Advances in Mathematics 201 (2006), 379-407.The sextonions and E7 1/2
with J.M. Landsberg, Advances in Mathematics 201 (2006), 143-179.-
Configurations of lines and models of Lie algebras
Journal of Algebra 304 (2006), 457-486. -
Pfaffian lines and vector bundles on Fano threefolds of genus 8
with Atanas Iliev, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 16 (2007), 499-530. -
An extension of the Cayley-Sylvester formula
European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2007), 1839-1842. Legendrian varieties
with J.M. Landsberg, Asian Journal of Mathematics 11 (2007), 341-360.
Prime Fano threefolds and integrable systems
with Atanas Iliev, Mathematische Annalen 339 (2007), 937-955.Quantum cohomology of minuscule homogeneous spaces II. Hidden symmetries
with Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput and Nicolas Perrin, Int. Math. Res. Notices (2007), 29 pages.Generalizations of Strassen's equations for secant varieties of Segre varieties
with J.M. Landsberg, Communications in Algebra 36 (2008), 405-422.
Quantum cohomology of minuscule homogeneous spaces
with Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput and Nicolas Perrin, Transformation Groups 13 (2008), 47-89.
Cubic hypersurfaces and integrable systems
with Atanas Iliev, American Journal of Mathematics 130 (2008), 1445-1475.Affine symmetries of the equivariant quantum cohomology ring of rational homogeneous spaces
with Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput and Nicolas Perrin, Mathematical Research Letters, 16 (2009), 7-21.On spinor varieties and their secants
SIGMA 5 (2009), 078, 22 pages,
volume spécial "Elie Cartan and Differential Geometry".
A note on certain Kronecker coefficients
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 1-7.
Abel-Jacobi maps for hypersurfaces and non commutative Calabi-Yau's
with A. Kuznetsov and D. Markushevich, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010), 373-416.
Quasi-complete homogeneous contact manifold associated to a cubic form
with J.-M. Hwang, in Vector Bundles and Complex Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics 522, AMS 2010, 105-112.
Quantum cohomology of minuscule homogeneous spaces III. Semisimplicity and consequences
with Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput and Nicolas Perrin, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 62 (2010), 1246-1263.On rectangular Kronecker coefficients
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 33 (2011), 153-162.
On the derived category of the Cayley plane
Journal of Algebra 330 (2011), 177-187.
Fano manifolds of degree ten and EPW sextics
with Atanas Iliev, Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure 44 (2011), 393-426.
An overview of mathematical issues arising in the Geometric Complexity Theory approach to VP vs VNP
with Peter Buergisser, J.M. Landsberg and Jerzy Weyman, SIAM Journal in Computing 40 (2011), 1179-1209.
On nodal prime Fano threefolds of degree ten
with O. Debarre and A. Iliev, Science in China, Mathematics 54 (2011), 1591-1609.
On the period map for prime Fano threefolds of degree ten
with O. Debarre and A. Iliev, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 21 (2012), 21-59.
The canonical strip phenomenon for complete intersections in homogeneous spaces
8 pages, arXiv:0904.2470.
Hypersurfaces with degenerate duals and the Geometric Complexity Theory Program
with J.M. Landsberg and N. Ressayre, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 88 (2013), 469-484
Chern classes of tensor products
International Journal of Mathematics 27, 10 (2016), 10 pages.
Triangulations and Severi varieties,
with F. Chapoton, Experimental Mathematics 22 (2013), 60-73.Prehomogeneous spaces and projective geometry,
82 pages, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico, Università e Politecnico di Torino 71 (2013).On cubic hypersurfaces of dimension seven and eight
with A. Iliev, Proc. L.M.S. 108 (2014), 517-540.
Effective constructions in plethysms and Weintraub's conjecture
with M. Michalek, Algebra and Representation Theory 17 (2014), 433-443.
On the derived category of the Cayley plane II
with D. Faenzi, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), 1057–1074.Fano manifolds of Calabi-Yau type
with A. Iliev, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 219 (2015), 2225–2244.Secants of minuscule and cominuscule minimal orbits
with M. Michalek, Linear Algebra Appl. 481 (2015), 288–312.On the asymptotics of Kronecker coefficients
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 42 (2015), 999–1025.On Fano manifolds of Picard number one
Mathematische Zeitschrift 281 (2015), 1129–1135.Quantum cohomology and the Satake isomorphism
with V. Golyshev, 25 pages, arXiv:1106.3120, accepted by Advances in Mathematics.
Special prime Fano fourfolds of degree 10 and index 2
with O. Debarre and A. Iliev, Recent advances in algebraic geometry, LMS LNS 417 (2015), 123–155.On the variety of four dimensional Lie algebras,
Journal of Lie Theory 26 (2016), 1–10.On the asymptotics of Kronecker coefficients 2
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B75d (2016), 14 pages.The Cayley Grassmannian
Journal of Algebra 503, (2018), 277-298.Ulrich and aCM bundles from invariant theory
Communications in Algebra 47 (2019), 706-718.Double spinor Calabi-Yau varieties
Epiga 2019, vol 3.Hyperkahler manifolds from the Tits-Freudenthal square
with Atanas Iliev, European Journal of Mathematics 5 (2019), 1139--1155.On Fano complete intersections in rational homogeneous varieties
with Chenyu Bai and Baohua Fu, Math. Zeitschrift 295 (2020), 289-308.The small quantum cohomology of the Cayley Grassmannian
with V. Benedetti, Internat. J. Math. 31 (2020), no. 3, 2050019, 23 pp.-
Topics on the geometry of homogeneous spaces
Acta Math. Sin. 36 (2020), 851-872. Orbital degeneracy loci and applications
with V. Benedetti, S.A. Filippini, F. Tanturri, Annali Scuola Normale Sup. di Pisa 21 (2020), 169-206.Orbital degeneracy loci II : Gorenstein orbits
with V. Benedetti, S.A. Filippini, F. Tanturri, IMRN 2020, no. 24, 9887-9932.The geometry of the Coble cubic and orbital degeneracy loci
with V. Benedetti and F. Tanturri, Math. Annalen 379 (2021), 415-440.Nested varieties of K3 type
with M. Bernardara and E. Fatighenti, Journal de l’École polytechnique 8 (2021), 733-778Gradings of Lie algebras, magical spin geometries and matrix factorizations
with Roland Abuaf, Representation Theory 25 (2021), 527–542.The double Cayley Grassmannian
Math. Research Letters 28 (2021), 1765-1792.-
On the automorphisms of Mukai varieties
with Th. Dedieu, Math. Z. 300 (2022), 3577-3621.
On the equations defining some Hilbert schemes
with J.D. Hauenstein and B. Szendroi, Vietnam J. Math. 50 (2022), 487-500.-
Horospherical two-orbits varieties as zero loci
with B. Pasquier, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 3347-3363.
On a class of spaces of skew-symmetric forms related to Hamiltonian systems of conservation laws
with Jenya Ferapontov, Manuscripta Math. 172 (2023), 599–620.
Four-Dimensional Lie algebras revisited
with B. Sturmfels and S. Sverrisdóttir, J. Lie Theory 33 (2023), 703-712.
Complete quadrics: Schubert calculus for Gaussian models and semidefinite programming
with M. Michalek, L. Monin, T. Seynnaeve, M. Vodicka, JEMS 26 (2024), 3091–3135.
The Coble quadric
with V. Benedetti, M. Bolognesi, D. Faenzi, Forum Math. Sigma 12 (2024), Paper e63, 25 pages.
A four dimensional cousin of the Segre cubic
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 40 (2024), 1089-1114.
Matrices of linear forms of constant rank from vector bundles on projective spaces
with R.M. Miro-Roig, Adv. Math. 436 (2024), Paper No. 109408, 42 pages.
On the automorphisms of hyperplane sections of generalized Grassmannians
with V. Benedetti, Transformation Groups 29 (2024), 1115-1159.-
Discriminants of theta-representations
with V. Benedetti, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa 25 (2024), 2125-2148t.
Equivariant spaces of matrices of constant rank
with J.M. Landsberg, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 21 (2025), 1209-1244.
Proof of a conjecture of Sturmfels, Timme and Zwiernik
9 pages, arXiv:2108.11085.-
Fano fourfolds of K3 type
with M. Bernardara, E. Fatighenti and F. Tanturri, 66 pages, arXiv:2111.13030.
A birational involution
with P. Beri, 43 pages, arXiv:2211.12866.
Hecke cycles on moduli of vector bundles and orbital degeneracy loci
with V. Benedetti, M. Bolognesi, D. Faenzi, 21 pages, arXiv:2310.06482.
Even nodal surfaces of K3 type
with M. Bernardara, E. Fatighenti, G. Kapustka, M. Kapustka, G. Mongardi and F. Tanturri
30 pages, arXiv:2402.08528.
Symmetric Functions, Schubert Polynomials and Degeneracy
Loci, SMF/AMS 6, 2001.
Translated by J. Swallow from the French original:
Collection Cours Spécialisés de la SMF, numéro 3, 185 pages, 1998.